Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fruit that Remains!

"I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain..."
John 15:16

At the City Market, this lady vendor (below:left) speaks great English and loves seeing Susanna & Camden.

The Jesus Film Project

Several months ago we contacted the Campus Crusade ministry in Zagreb and requested a copy of the movie known as The Jesus Film. Not only did they give us a dvd copy in the Croatian language, but they also donated almost 50 full color posters in two sizes for us to put around the area, along with magazine style booklets of the gospel of Luke to give to each person who comes to see the film.
After recieving a brand new PC projector [donated by a dear family in the body in Baltimore] we were able to set the plan of showing The Jesus Film into motion.

The date would be February 11th, 07.
Right: the movie flyers we printed & passed out.

Pastor Tomas Bulicek, delivering the good news.

Below: Our Meeting Place in New Zagreb where we showed the flim. The city gave us a key to use this facility every Sunday evening free of charge.

We began by putting up several posters in key locations near the building, only to recieve a phone call from the city office the next day telling us our posters had been taken down due to complaints. We rejoiced, knowing that we must be doing the right thing. We were more careful about where we put the other posters and with only one week to the showing time we began to pass out the flyers. We didnt know what to expect, how many people would come in only one week's notice? We cut the movie length from two hours down to one and a half to make time for some preaching at the end. The film was scheduled to start 7pm and at 6:30 there was a line of ten people at the door. By the time we started the projector, with a screen size of almost 20ft, there were 28 croatians seated in the audience. We praised God in our hearts as we sat listening to the life of Christ in another language.

These dear people saw & heard the glorious Gospel.

The presence of God was with us. Pastor Tomas stood at the conclusion of the film and a young man named Vlado in the audience stood to translate for him. He spoke from Nahum 1:7b, "the Lord knows them that trust in Him." No one was asked to raise their hand but so many people left thanking us and expressing interest in coming to the Bible studies on Sunday nights. An elderly man was crying during the closing parts of the film when the salvation message was playing. We made some great contacts.The young man Vlado (who translated) and his friend Igor are high school seniors whom Tomas and I met in an underground passway earlier that week. They came to the Bible study last night with a bible and notebook, but according to Vlado, he couldnt take notes because he was too busy listening. They said after the message on Christ and the Brazen Serpent, "we will not foget this." Keep these Croats and the many others who attended the film in your prayers, that the images and words would take root in thier hearts and not be stolen away... that they would be drawn to Christ, our fellowship, and the Word of Grace.

Valtentine's Day

Above: Camden playing with her Valentine's Giraffe in Jelacic trg.

Valentine's Day, or Valentiovo as it's known in these parts, fell on a Wednesday this year. We decided we would transform our regular Wed. night Bible School class into a Relationship Seminar to take advantage of the occasion. We printed up a number of these flyers below advertising the event.

No one came from the streets, perhaps because it was Valentine's Evening and they had other ideas of a romantic night in the city, but seven of our contacts came and it was a tremendous time. Susanna and I put these fun welcome gifts together, just some chocolate, a pen, and an it'll-do notebook. It was a good opportunity to hit the subject of relationships with our people and mix up the routine. Pastor George and I spoke there and based on the rap sessions afterwards, the people enjoyed it.

Above: Camden Swings all by herself as Mom (below) watches from a nearby bench in the Upper City park.

The First Annual GG Zagreb Billiard Tournament

Official Results:

1st: Boris S. 2nd: Eva B. 3rd: Snzjene 4th: Ben T. 5th: Carol A. 6th: P. George A. 7th: P. Tomas B.
(Notice Eva & Carol's standings vs P. Tomas & P. George. Susanna didn't join the competition, lucky for me.)

Pray for Velika Gorica

We have been talking a lot about visiting near by cities and have even been able to do so on a few occasions. With little finances to do so we simply haven't been in a while. Instead of talking about what we "would do...if" we decided to find out the furthest distance we can go on our monthly transportation passes. That is Velika Gorica, a small city/village about 40 minutes outside Zagreb. We gave our five loaves and two fish to the Lord, asking him to do it, and we found ourselves in a close by city speaking with great authority and boldness on the street, making good contacts and thinking about starting a bible study there soon. Pray that miraculous doors open in Velika Gorica, that God would lead us to KEY people and start a great work there, pray for the FRUIT that REMAINS!

Thats all for this edition of the Zagreb Times, thank you for keeping the Tanguay family and TEAM ZAGREB in your thoughts and prayers. See you at the EURO-CON!!!

P.S.- The Chapel Looks Awesome & the messages are out of this world.

Kept by the Power of God,

Ben, Susanna, and Camden


Anonymous said...

the best blog yet. Loved all the photos. The fruit that remains was awesome. Right up there with the hearts of stone. Loning you Mom

Anonymous said...

Dad Tang says: I shared this verse in cultural anthropology class tonight. I talked about Austrailia. You, Jediah and Johnny in the sand box. Prov 28:14 Happy is the man that feareth always: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief. The fear of the Lord is a mixture of deep, deep trust and deep, deep worship. (Job 1:20-21} If something offends you its a warning that your heart is getting hard. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life. He that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.

Anonymous said...
Hi Guys! Looks like you have alot of exciting things happening there. It's awesome to see that God is moving all across the globe. I am here in Budapest having a great time getting to know the Hungarians and preparing for EuroCon. Can't wait to see all of you there and then when I visit Croatia at the end of my travels. Praying for you... see ya soon

Ryan Reagan