Monday, February 05, 2007

"Missions is the best kept Secret"- P. Schaller

The first snow fall of the season sat softly on the village rooftops along the rolling Croatian countryside, I sat softly also on the first train out to Budapest, Hungary. Susanna and Camden were flying in from America and I could not wait to see them after being apart for nearly a month. The time for me in Zagreb was fruitful and full of evangelism, investment, prayer, bible studies, team life... and the days flew by. Nevertheless, it was time away from my wife and daughter and with the house so quiet i was more than ready to recieve them. They have been back in Zagreb for over a week and it so great to be on the missionfield...
together again.
We just enjoyed a rich visit from Pastor Graham King and a team of 7 hungarians traveling with him (okay 6 hungarians and Krista Wilczek).
The team rolled in Friday evening and crashed in our apartments after a delightful round of lentil soup and fellowship late into the night. They brought with them such a sweet spirit of Life and encouragment from the body in Budapest. Saturday morning, after a P. Graham knockout message on team life and being "findable" by the Word of God, we set out to the city for evangelism.
Apparently, all of the other 950,000 people in Zagreb decided to go the main square on Saturday morning also. We found everything there from a group of men dressed up as mountain goats with clammering bells, to a racous animal rights parade chanting and picketing across the square. (BELOW: Pastor King decided to join them, holdign up a flyer and shouting loudly in a british accent, "Save the Whales")

Enjoying the great weather, we grabbed some pizza near the Train Station and had a lunch rap outdoors in King Tomislav park. Two croats were able to join us as we enjoyed some thoughts from the Bible.

The Group...

Zagreb really is a beautiful place and we enjoyed the sights all over again as we took a walk though the old streets leading to the upper city, sharing the gospel with people along the way. It was a day well spent together and an investment into eternity, pray for all the conversations and for the contacts we made.

In all the things that one could win, there is nothing as valuable as winning a soul!Camden suprised me with how much she had grown since Christmas. With her new repertoire of words, dances, games, and songs... she lights up every room she walks into. I think she is also excited about being a big Sister someday soon.... thats right! Many of those in Baltimore have already learned that Susanna and I are expecting another baby with an arrival date somewhere around September 25th. We had the first check up just the other day and sure enough there appeared on the screen a little bean with a beating heart, we are thrilled about this next step as a family and trust God for His direction of our lives.

Here is the first picture... Big Sister watching a video in her Igloo from Grampa Pray for this coming week as we will be showing The Jesus Film in New Zagreb on Sunday evening, February 11th @ 7pm (thats about 1pm EST). We were given full color posters from Campus Crusade to put around the area and we will be flooding the neighborhoods with flyers all week. We would not be able to do this if it wasnt for the gracious gift of a projector that we recieved while in Baltimore for Christmas. God knows our needs. The film is in Croatian and we were also given magazine style booklets of the Gospel of Luke with the 4 spriritual laws to give to everyone who comes out for the event. Pray for a great attendance, salvations, disciples to continue with us for Bible Studies, families... pray for a church to be PLANTED in New Zagreb.

Thank you for taking the time to read about some of things happeing in Zagreb, Croatia. Pass the news along to anyone who might be interested. This would not be possible without you.

Much Love, The Tanguays


Anonymous said...

HI, I just sent a comment but I don't know to where. It disappeared. I want to see if this goes through.. loving you all and praying for your hearts to burst with the excitiment of knowing Him. Mom

Anonymous said...

You two are without a doubt exceptional people! We love knowing you and look forward to seeing you in Budapest! I still have that stain stick bar of soap that I told you about, Susanne. I'll bring it with me. Anything else you want from Germany?? Let me know! We love you guys so much and if any of your family members are reading this, we love them so much as well! The Groenewolds in Berlin P.S. Your Blog page is incredible! I want to be like you when I grow up.

Anonymous said...

Dad tang says: Great blog Ben. Its really special when body members visit, it reinforces everything and is very edifying. I love the Groenewolds, I should visit them. Here's a quote from my little black book " Putting our shoulders to the wheel, is not the same thing as putting our shoulders under the Ark." V.H.