Friday, November 24, 2006

Giving Thanks in Zagreb


This is a true story of an American woman on the MISSION FIELD.

Once upon a time as THANKSGIVING DAY was approaching in ZAGREB, CROATIA, a woman went shopping. She had to prepare for the big day, guests and dinner. She purchased vegetables, fruits, pie fillings, stuffings, spices and finally the grand finale, the meat dish.

For this meat dish she chose a beautiful Turkey. In Zagreb, language can be a problem. You say you want dark brown flour , you get white flour. You want sugar you might get salt. Anyway , she came home with the goods.

The day before Thanksgiving, the preparations were made. The pies were baked, the stuffing prepared, fresh cranberries were made and the Turkey placed in the oven for overnight slow cook.

On the morning of Thanksgiving, the woman placed all the dishes on the table in anticipation and preparation for the forthcoming meal. She called her husband to cut the Turkey. He came forth to do his job. As he was cutting the Turkey, he found he had great difficulty. "I COOKED THE TURKEY ALL NIGHT' " His wife said "IT SHOULD BE DONE." He could not separate the legs from the torso with a knife. He then held the Turkey with one hand and pulled on the legs with the other. Finally with much effort, the meat was cut and placed in a pan.


As the guests arrived, one guest that understood Croatian asked why the Turkey so brown? The woman replied, maybe I overcooked it. Please read the label and tell me how long I should have baked it. Oh my goodness the guest said "THIS IS NOT TURKEY" "THIS IS A GOOSE".

The woman finally came to the realization that "HER GOOSE WAS COOKED." -The End
Thanks for the story Carol, and I must say, I've never tasted goose before this thanksgiving dinner... it's quite a dish. I was very surprised.

With Thanksgiving behind us now the Christmas season is breaking open in downtown Zagreb. The twenty-three foot spruce stands high in the city center with lights and decorations draping across the square in every direction. "Christmas" marks a great season for street evangelism as people are very open to speak about the Christ.

This Saturday, after a rather uneventful time knocking on doors, we met a young man and woman walking on the street. As we began to speak about Jesus it seemed that everything around us disappeared and their eyes were full of wonder as they listened to us share the gospel. They prayed with us in the open air and invited Christ to be thier savior. That was only a few days ago and the young man has been texting my phone ever since asking questions about Bible School. He and the girl are going to begin coming with us on Wednesday nights to learn the Word of God. Pray for them as they are young in the Faith, that thier enthusiasm would remain, and that God would do a great work in thier hearts... its amazing!

We are now preparing for the 2nd Annual Greater Grace Bozicna [Christmas] party in Zagreb. It will be held on Friday, December 15th @ 7pm. We have many contacts, over 50 croatians who have met with us for coffee or a service at least once. We will personally invite each one for the Christmas celebration. Also, we are extending the invitation to the public as we pass out hundreds of fliers on the streets. This can be an incredible time for drawing people into our Fellowship and for Salvations. It takes a lot of investment to win the trust of the Croatian people as anything that isnt carrying the label of Roman Catholicism is quickly denounced. Pray for our gathering that the music, the skits, the friendship, the atmosphere, and of course the food, would minister the love of God to these dear people. God is touching us more and more with his burden for this city at this time. The other night Susanna and I stood in front of our third story window, looking out over the clay rooftops and asked each other, "Where are we?". This is not the Inner Harbor or the Avenue at White Marsh... this is the Balkans, this is former Yugoslavia, this is Zagreb, Croatia!

On Thursday we will travel as a team to Sisak, one of the six Croatian cities with in an hour train ride from Zagreb. [above: the big yellow star marks the spot]

We will pray, print up some literature, pack a lunch, hop on a train (about $7US/each), arrive in an new town with the Grace of God and unlimited possibilities. A day well spent. Who knows who and what we will find in Sisak, Croatia?

Below: Pastor Peter Tyll visits us with his wife and baby from Prauge, Czech Rep. Picture taken at Medvedgrad, an ancient castle which overlooks the city. The ladies went by car as we walked the one hour trail though the woods one late November evening... it was great, the view was spectacular.

To all our dear friends, family, and occassional web surfers... thank you for visiting TANGUAYZ.BLOGSPOT.COM, may God bless you as you have blessed us by your prayers, support, encouragement, and interest in the work of God in Zagreb, Croatia.

All our love, The Tanguayz

Play Video Clip below to see Camden do the "Duck Walk". She bends her knees, keeps her back straight, and walks around the room.


Anonymous said...

Dad Tang says: Debbie Moore is on her way back, she is recognizing people and speaking words faintly with her lips. Bob remains constantly by her side. Remember you are like a Christopher Columbus sailing on the ocean of Gods grace, there is much to be discovered,do not be discouraged.

Anonymous said...

How proud and excited you are over precious Camden doing her duck walk. How proud and excited we are to see you walk with God in places only he would take you. Imitating Him as He teaches you his ways and shares with you His heart. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Dad Tang: The Camden duck walk won't play. Is there something i need to do besides click on it? It says loading but it doesn't.