Thursday, September 07, 2006

Zagreb at Last

Two flights, a bus ride, several taxis, ten bags, a stroller, and three flights of stairs later… here we are! The trip went very well, much better than we anticipated. Pastor George and Carol Arman greeted us at the airport with flashing cameras while P. Tomas and Eva waited for us at the bus terminal. One of the Croatian disciples came with the Buliceks to help load up the bags. Camden did very well for her first Trans-Atlantic exploit and is now sleeping soundly in her new crib we just purchased yesterday (a story in itself). When I say “purchased it yesterday“, what I mean is we carried it on our backs several miles, crammed it into a bustling street car, and again walked it up the street and three flights of stairs to our apartment… I must say it is rather adventurous to travel by public transportation in a foreign country. We really are enjoying ourselves and learning to appreciate the Croatian way.

This morning we met at the Armans apartment just down stairs for the daily prayer and morning class (recent messages received via mail from Baltimore). We also had a sweet time of communion and worship together after which Pastor Tomas stood up and reminded all of us to “please pass our cups to the center isle.” The fellowship we have here is very healthy as it is close and focused. We know that God is doing a great work in us as a couple.
Zagreb is a smaller European city but it has all the markings of a crowded metropolis, and might I add, a ripe harvest field. Tonight I am enjoying Zagreb’s cool evening air, a refreshing exchange for it’s seemingly relentless sun. The tram cars don’t help the situation either, they are more like mobile greenhouses with little moving air and exotic smells, though yielding great panoramic views of the city life. The good news is that they are upgrading the system with new air-conditioned, street level models (no steps to climb), with comfortable seats and spacious standing room. One of them comes humming down the rails in the old cobble stone streets every now and then and if you are lucky it‘s going your direction.

While we are on the subject, earlier today Susanna and I received our official public transportation passes, with photos and all. It’s a big step in our initiation to becoming Croats. The passes enable us to travel on any public service (bus or tram), in any direction, unlimited trips, for a month at a time. The cost is about 210 kunas each, that’s approximately $35 [the currency rate is 6 kunas per US dollar]. Not a bad deal considering we were spending 3x’s that a week on gas in the states.

(pictures coming soon)

All details aside, this a wonderful experience with abundant opportunities for ministry. People are people. This evening we had our Tuesday night Bible study at the Gradska Kavana, an upscale cafĂ© in Jelacic Square (the main center of town). We had a good time around the Word of God with some kava s’ mljecka (coffee with milk = latte) and four Croatians joined us. It is something to watch the eyes of new believers as they listen with much interest to the scriptures being taught and preached, and spoken of with honor and value. The Bible is familiar to people yet foreign, a personal relationship to the Word of God is non existent, as is the case is most cultures today. What a calling, to study the Bible, to win the lost, to disciple believers, and to love the brethren!

Pray for these young believers and the many others that have met with the team over the last months. Pray that the Lord will lead us in our evangelism specifically, for the renting of a building to meet in and the finances to go along with it, for a translator for our meetings (that’s an important request), and pray for us as we continue to make the proper adjustments to get settled here in Zagreb with Camden and all the expenses that we encountered upon arrival.

the tanguayZ


Anonymous said...

Wow, whoever writes these updates is very eloquent indeed. I loved the "exotic smells" illustration for the tram. Made me chuckle out loud, alone I might add, in my office. Sounds like your arrival had some hustle and bustle but there was a definate place of rest found around the Word and fellowshipping with others. I absolutely love these updates. It is so encouraging to hear that things are going well thus far and that the response is positive. Pray for you everyday. Praise God that He is a God of the now and knows all our details (apartment steps, funds, meeting place, transition in general etc.) and will work all things together for good! You guys are awesome! All our best. -Andrew, Misty, Grant and Reese (Turner Family)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tanguays!! I can't believe that you are there... I miss your faces - especially looking for you after church. I bet Camden is fascinated by everything! Public transportation with her...ha, ha.
Bible school has begun! It's only been a week and I feel like I'm floating. The consistent saturation of the Word of God is so incredible.
Thank you, Ben, for being an incredible man of God and husband/father. This is the life! We are called! Susanna, you are going to be such a BLESSING to those women in Croatia. You are a living example of God's love and such a beautiful woman of God. I love you!!
Give Camden tons of hugs and kisses for me. 2 Tim 1:7-11

God's everlasting grace,

Anonymous said...

I'm going to show Mom how to blog this weekend. She was so excited that she could be in touch with you guys and read about everything going on and see pictures. It's great! Jen

Ben, Susanna, and little Camden said...

thank you for the kind words... we love to hear people's comments and to know that this is helpful for you to stay in touch with what is happening in zagreb. keep coming back we will update as much as we can.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
we miss you like crazy, Joseph and I pray for you every day. I have to figure out this whole blog thing... I'll get Hayley to show me :) Anyways, love you guys and will be praying always. So far it looks so pretty there. And it's great to hear about the work you are doing. Love ya
Ed, Tina, Joseph and Evan

Anonymous said...

Wow, It's absolutely exhillerating to hear what's going on there, the work you are doing, and the hearts you are touching! The tears are a flowing! :) I love you guys very much.